Green Grass in the Spring is available to order NOW!
Amazon and Barnes and Noble have the electronic version.
The audio version is available on Audible!
Ann Adams’ Review of Green Grass in the Spring- See page 18
Watch Webinar with Tony Malmberg & Bobby Gill
Ranching Returns Podcast, (formerly Herd Quitter Podcast) with Jared Luhman
Praise for Green Grass in the Spring
Tony Malmberg is a storyteller and a connector, a necessary link in the chain to better understand rural Western culture alongside a
framework for land stewardship, which allows our ecological communities to return to states of increased resiliency and flourishing.
My own experience transitioning to rural living was confusing and at times stifling, as I tried to navigate relationships on a multi-genera-
tional family operation. Through the pages, I found myself becoming more aligned with my dignity and self-worth, recognizing the
tremendous value that land stewards offer. If we want intact grasslands for the next seven generations, we must work with a sense of
urgency. The grasslands are home to many and how we care for them matters.
—Amber Smith, program director for Women in Ranching, Western Landowners Alliance; owner of Terroir Land and Livestock with her
husband, Trevor
Tony’s writing released within me a synergy of growth-oriented experiences that embraced me throughout. I was mentally stimulated
and engaged. I was also occasionally tearful as I was touched by an empathetic sadness or an immense joy and gratitude for the innate
creativity in humanness and our existence on Earth. This book is truly about growth from soil to your soul.
Embedded in the space between the beautifully crafted words is an invitation for us all to practice our lives as if all life depends upon it.
Because it does and Tony proves it.
Be prepared to be surprised.
—Christopher Cooke, Holistic Management field professional and ecological outcome verifier,
As a next-generation land manager facing the threats of climate change, biodiversity loss, and an uncertain sociopolitical future, I
look to the champions of the soil surface to help guide my decisions to help reverse these trends. Tony Malmberg is one such man,
having broken through traditional cowboy paradigms to embrace his own sense of personal agency through the practice of Holistic
Management. I have personally gained a deep sense of inspiration and practical wisdom from Green Grass in the Spring, with insights
into Malmberg’s work restoring sage-grouse habitat in Wyoming and salmon streams in Oregon, all through the very intentional manage-
ment of the grazing herbivore. My generation is looking for solutions—and here they lie in strengthening our relationships across the
web of life.
—Cody Spencer, bison rancher; Holistic Management practitioner,
First as a Holistic Management instructor and then an invaluable mentor, Tony has guided me in making decisions about my
land, my business, and my life. His hard-fought wisdom and keen observations are a gift to all of us and this book is true to everything
I’ve known Tony to be: funny, raw, vulnerable, and real. It’s grounded in the principles and practice of Holistic Management, an amazing
perspective for land managers, but you don’t have to own livestock to appreciate Tony’s compelling stories, deep insights, and sense of
humor. Both a guidebook and a memoir, the book is full of observation and self-reflection and reminds us that our ability to manage
land is intimately related to our ability to truly see ourselves. His stark honesty helps us all reflect on the ways in which we are often to
blame for our biggest challenges and how using some of the simple tools and philosophy of Holistic Management can unlock not only
the potential for productivity and diversity on land but also living in a way where we can see and fulfill our own potential.
—Cory Carman, fourth-generation rancher; mother,
I was able to work with Tony Malmberg when I returned to ranching after spending what seemed like an inordinate amount of
time in grazing and forages research. I was ready for a change. Away from small plots limited by time, yearning for an expansive landscape
to influence. Tony’s story is eloquent, joy-providing, and as complete as it can be. Tony is more practiced using the Holistic Management
testing questions than I am. What he is talking about is advanced beyond the scientific method I learned in middle school. Instead of
trying to fix one “thing” at a time when there is more to “fix” beyond and before the “thing.” We look for the root cause, which is deeper
and absolutely more critical than what is staring us in the face, in the moment. We think about all that is affected by the root cause.
How far away are we from where we want to be? We do not need a prediction equation to determine how to get there. The loss of life on
this planet is a serious issue. There is no formula. Science will help us identify what has gone awry. Our desire to see new, diverse life
should move us away from manipulating and extracting to promoting regeneration of what will be beneficial to us all. Tony reminds us
to ask, “How must we behave, what must we do to promote life—at, above, and below the ground level?” Our reward can be giving rather
than taking.
—Kelly Brink, rancher and student of rangeland herbivory, Deer Creek Ranch—Gordon, Nebraska
There is an old rancher adage: “If we can just get the cows to green grass in the spring.” The “Green Grass” for our modern
civilization characterized by natural resource degradation; dysfunctional water, energy and mineral cycles; and a worldwide pandemic
lies with restoration of soil health through regenerative farming and ranching practices applied through Holistic Management (HM)
principles. Farmers, ranchers, ecologists, environmentalists, and oth-ers with a conservation ethos understand that HM principles are not
easily understood or applied. Green Grass in the Spring provides tremendous clarity as we see through the eyes and learn from the life
experiences of Tony Malmberg.
—Ron Bolze, professor of rangeland management; executive director of Nebraska Grazing Lands Coalition; purebred Angus cattle rancher with his wife and daughter.