Many of us have engaged in correspondence and discussions about learning the practice of Holistic Management over the years. This blog will take our discussions to another level so we can get more holistic decision-making on the ground, where we find meaningful leverage.

Finding Leverage for Life
Think about it. All life on our planet (as we know it) comes from the ecosystem processes. Improving the function of these processes will make life more resilient. Water begins to absorb, at the soil surface. Plants begin to germinate and grow, at the soil surface. Plants begin to decompose and build soil, at the soil surface. Tools affecting ecosystem function engage at the soil surface. The greatest marginal reaction and leverage point for the improvement of life on our planet lies at the soil surface.

Empowering Decisions at the Soil Surface
This blog will explore how we can better develop markets, policy, investment, knowledge, and skills that will empower those making decisions at the soil surface.

Tony Malmberg Tony Malmberg

The Illusion of Control

Those of us making decisions in the real world have learned not to take things literally. Words rarely do justice to what we are trying to explain. We know that people come from different geography, cultures, and economies. We need to listen for their intent when they speak, which means accepting language as a metaphor.

The most damaging thing we can do when dealing with complexity is to think we are in control. Knowing that land, people, and money are complex complicates our communication. The self-organization of complexity keeps things fluid, and we cannot get stuck in being static and literal.

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Tony Malmberg Tony Malmberg

Predicting the Future

Once you have seen something many times, we can predict the future. We know that mimicking nature’s predator/prey relationship will improve plant vigor, recycle plant material, increase species diversity, and capture the raindrop. We know that grazing management will most likely double our stocking rate. Getting a free ranch without increasing overheads is like printing money. This knowledge and skill are a game changer.

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Tony Malmberg Tony Malmberg

Managing for Drought, While Reversing Climate Change

Drought has always been a factor on the grasslands of the world but climate change has been increasing the frequency and intensity. Reversing climate change will not be resolved simply by planting trees. Properly managed grazing increases biodiversity. The New York Times reports that decisions addressing climate change often damage biodiversity, but decisions increasing biodiversity address climate change. Manage for biodiversity first.

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